Friday, February 11, 2011

SOTU Word Project

1.Sacrifice-I believe we must make sacrifices to improve this country.
2.Goal-This country must set reachable goals to accomplish.
3.Pursue-We need to pursue our goals and standards.
4.Impact-This country need to make an impact on the way we see things.
5.Future-We must live for the future.
6.Support-We need to support the president.
7.Change-As a country we need change
8.Believe-We must believe we can improve.
9.Ideas-This country needs some bright people to come forth and give us some ideas
10.Transform-We need to transform our thinking.
11.Growth-This country needs growth,expanding.
12.Exports-I believe increasing our exports will help the dept.
13.Loopholes-Get rid of loopholes and make laws stronger
14.Generation-Raise your kid with respect and the next generation will be better.
15.Responsibility-As americans we must take blame for our actions.
16.Tragedy-We must overlook tragedy and continue on issues at hand.
17.Deficit-We should be working to get out of dept.
18.Reduce-We must reduce our crime rate.
19.Budget-We should not save,our money needs to be in the economy.
20.Reward-It takes sacrifices to get rewards.
21.Investments-We should take in some investments that may help us in the future.
22.Struggle-Trying to improve this country will be difficult.
23.Reform-In order to improve this country we must undergo some kind of reform.
24.Breakthrough-We must discover new technology to make money.
25.Challenge-In order to improve our country we must face hardships.
26.Problems-The only way to eliminate problems is to tackle them head on.
27.Progress-This lets us know we are getting some where in this world.
28.Accountability-We must take credit for our actions.
29.Education-Our children are the future,what they learn will be portrayed in their time of leading.
30.Improve-We need to make alot of things better in this country
31.Standards-We must set some goals in this country that can be met.
32.Illegal-There are some things in this country that should not be allowed.
33.Building-We should put a stop to creating new homes and use the ones that are already out there.
34.Jobs-We need to find a way to create more jobs.
35.Projects-Need to undergo more projects that will open up jobs.
36.Economy-We must improve the economy by not saving money.
37.American-Should embrace our own heritage.
38.Recession-We must get out of this type of economy.
39.Confront-We must confront our problems in order to fix them.
40.Eliminate-We must eliminate some type of spending.
41.Vulnerable-Try not to leave ourselves open to attack.
42.Success-Must feel our head with thoughts of success.
43.Unity-Must  come together in a sense of accomplishing the same goals.
44.Past-We should put the past behind us in order to move on.
45.Live-We should live to improve ourselves everday.
46.Information-The government should give the country more info.
47.Technology- We should remain with the same technology.
48.Dream-Dream of a better world.
49.contribute-Everyone must give up something to help.
50.Faith-Have faith in this country and your beliefs.

SOTU Wordle Project

<a href=""
          title="Wordle: bryan11"><img
          alt="Wordle: bryan11"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Response to the Classroom Disscussion on Healthcare

             I believe the classroom disscusion went very well. At first i was a bit skeptical about it, but now i see its just about peers sitting around having a conversation on the topic at hand. Through out the disscussion i enjoyed the fact that everyone was heard and got to express their feelings about healthcare. Alot of interesting point were brought up like is health care a right or a priveledge. On this topic opinions were split down the room and we had alot of interesting rhetoric. Personally i believe its a right, because some people cannot afford healthcare no matter how hard working they are. We also disscussed the new healthcare law and its legitimacy. Many people believed it was not perfect and i agree. But passing this law would just be the first step. Rome wasnt built in a day and people need to understand that. Overall i feel i learned alot about healthcare because of this disscussion and i look forward to the next one.